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Child growth and development

You’re a parent, not a nutrition expert. But parents can master anything. Start here to learn about healthy nutrition for pint-sized people.

Child Development Nutrition
Child Development Nutrition
Child Development Nutrition

Making sense of the food groups

What are the recommended daily servings for kids? Hint: it’s smaller than you think.

What every parent should know about nutrients

Most kids ages 4 to 18 don’t get enough calcium. See what other key nutrients your child may be missing.

What’s In Nutrition Facts Panels?

Do you know how to read them and what to look for?

Nutrition can affect a lot more than energy levels

Learn how nutrition impacts children’s health.


Find out what growth charts measure, and what to expect when your doctor discusses your child’s growth.

Medical conditions and nutrition—is there a link?

Discover how a specific medical condition can impact a child’s nutrition.