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Resources you can trust as well as us

Check out these trusted sites (we did) for information about nutrition, feeding tips, healthy living, and more—plus info about WIC and SNAP programs.

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Abbott Nutrition Newsroom

Visit the Abbott Nutrition Newsroom for science-based nutrition news for every stage of life. Access the latest health and wellness articles and pioneering research from Abbott’s top pediatric and adult nutrition experts to help your family live the healthiest, fullest lives possible.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

American Academy of Pediatrics

Healthy Living and Nutrition is full of nutrition and healthy eating articles to help moms understand how good nutrition can contribute to a child’s good health.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Child Development contains a variety of topics from developmental milestones to parenting tips to free materials, videos, podcasts, and widgets.

Choose My Plate

How to Cope with Picky Eaters is a quick, easy-to-use guide with lots of positive tips to help you deal with picky eating and help your child learn to try new foods.

Kids Health®

Growth and Development is an easy-to-use, comprehensive library of growth and development topics to help parents better understand and deal with the physical and mental changes their children go through.

Mayo Clinic

Children’s Nutrition: 10 Tips for Picky Eaters gives you more tips for handling picky-eaters. You can’t get too much information about this challenging behavior.

National Institute of Child Health & Human Development

Health and Human Development Information from National Institutes of Health offers in-depth information about research efforts covering child development.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC®) Program

Special Supplemental Nutrition assistance is made available by federal grants provided to states for low-income families at with children at nutritional risk. Click to learn more.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Low-Income Nutrition Assistance is available to families who qualify. Formerly known as the “food stamp” program, SNAP participants can use their benefits to purchase PediaSure products. Click to learn more.